HTML for beginners



HTML stands for hypertext markup language

Html describes the structure of a web page.

A Markup language is a Computer Language which uses tags and attributes to Create structure.

HTML tags are used to build a structure of a webpage like paragraphs, heading, tables, lists, buttons, Forms, images, audio, video, etc.

Some HTML Editor -  VS Code, Btackets, Atom, Sublime, Nootpad++,Dreamweaver.

 for bigneer

sample HTML page :-

  <html lang="en">
      <title>Hello HTML</title>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
    Hello HTML 

Some imp Html TAGS

* <html> - Html tag is parent tag or root tag of a webpage

* <head> - is the root element of html

* <title> - it's used full for search engines to know about the webpages and it should be Unique for                        every  page

* <Meta> - it's used to define the charset family, description, keywords, author, robots, and Geolocation of a website.

* <body tag> - it's use to Create the page structure or Content.

Some imp Html Attributes

*Class -

* Href - The href attribute of  <a> Specifies the URL of the page link goes to 

* The SRC attribute of  <img>  specifies the path to the image to be displayed 

*The width and height attributes of <img> provide size information for images.

*The alt attribute of <img>provides alternate text for an image

*The Style attribute is used to add styles to an element, such as colour, font, size, and styles

* The lang attribute of the <html> tag declares the language of the web page

* The title attributes define some extra information about an element.

  Html text tags

*Html tags are written by using tags. but the text written in the body is called plain text.

All text elements are written inside the body 

Some Imp Html Text Tage

* <P> Paragraphs tag

* <address> - address tag is used to add postal addressin webpages

* html <b> tag used for Bold Text.

* html <i> tag used for italic text 

* html <u> tag used for underline 

* html font tag is use to add color, size, Font-family inside font tag.

* html Heading element use to write headings in webpage and there are Six heading element.<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6>.

Html List 

* There are 3 types of lists in HTML for webpage

Order List : <ol> this is an order list Content.

Unorder List : <ul>  for the unorder list 

Tables Tags

<thead>  table head - top of the table

<tbody> table body - Content of the table

<tfoot> table foot - bottom of the table 

<th> table header - Data cell of the table header

<tr> table row 

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